Minor Leagues

league age 5 - 11

Minor League

Minor League Baseball programs for boys and girls may be operated within each division for younger players with less experience. The minor league may be players ages 5-11.

Divisions may be established within the Minor League for “machine pitch,” “coach-pitch” or “player-pitch.” By local option, a player who is league-age 5 or 6 (use the Little League Age Calculator to determine your child’s League Age for the current year) for the current season and has played a year in Tee Ball is eligible to participate in a coach-pitch division.

A local league might have its 5-8-year-olds in the Minor League Coach Pitch Division, while its 9-10-year-olds are in the Minor League Player-Pitch Division. However, by local option, some of the 9-year-olds could “play down” in the coach-pitch division, and some of the 8-year-olds could “play up.” This is entirely the choice of the local league Board of Directors. League-age 12-year-olds may participate per Regulation V(a).

Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but most leagues have rosters in the 12-15 range. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.

Tournament opportunities are available for players league-age 8-10 and 9-11.

Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this level of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.

Latest Game Highlight

23 January 2025

G45 10:45 – 12:30 / HMTW 1

  • TTBC Eagle3s
  • TTBC Titans

Game Result