Field Booking

HKCLL Fields booking

The management charges

Schools and Not-for-Profit Organizations:

  1. Per Hour
  2. 2 hours minimum
  3. HMTW $200
  4. To Shek $250
  5. LR2 $300
  6. Maintenance fees must be fully paid in advance.
To promote baseball and softball, if schools and organizations post the usage of our fields in social media, there will be a discount in rent.

Booking procedures

  1. Inform the dates and time slots you want to rent the fields to HKLL Office.
  2. Office will check the availability.
  3. If date and time slots are available, the user have to provide their insurance policy for our reference, and we will send them the indemnify letter for sign back.
  4. Office will send the Invoice for the payment.

Booking canceling

  1. 5 working days notice.
  2. The Maintenance fees will be forfeited without formal notice.
  3. The Maintenance fees will be refunded under extreme weather.

The above is for baseball and softball games and practice, for event and other booking purposes that could damage the truf will not be considered such as football and rubby.Please contact Hong Kong Little League office for field usage information.

Note: For maintenance fee charges please check Hong Kong Little office.




To Shek

Lion Rock 2