Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is intended to establish a positive framework for all activities of HKLL players and their
families both on and off the playing field. It applies to all HKLL fields. This code is established and will be enforced
in the hope that a more enjoyable atmosphere will result for our league.

Managers and umpires will handle all situations on the playing field in a respectful manner. The umpires have the
authority to have anyone removed from the complex for conduct that is not consistent with the objectives of the
league. If the conduct continues after a warning is given (a warning is NOT required), the umpires have the
authority to suspend play or to call the game a forfeit, if necessary.


  1. I will be a team player, and will always respect everyone on the pitch including opponents.
  2. I will be on time for practices and games, and will work hard to improve my skills.
  3. I will not throw or in any other way abuse equipment on the playing field.
  4. I will not use abusive language directed at other players, coaches, or umpires.
  5. I will not argue or protest excessively ball/strike, fair/foul, or out/safe calls by the umpires.
  6. I will not use tobacco, alcohol and any illegal drugs.


  1. I will be a positive role model to my players, display emotional maturity and be alert to the physical safety of
  2. I will focus on the development of players. I will strive to win but developments are more important.
  3. I will respect all people on the field including players, parents, opponents and officials.
  4. I will remain in the dugout at all times when my team is in the field unless time has been granted by one of the
    umpires. The first or third base coach of the team at bat may not approach an umpire unless time has been
    called. The umpire has the right not to call time, if he/she desires.
  5. I will be responsible for the behavior of my team including parents. I will help the umpires to keep the smooth
    operation of the games.
  6. I will not use abusive language directed at players, coaches, or umpires.
  7. I will not argue or protest against judgement calls.
  8. I will not use tobacco, alcohol and any illegal drugs on the HKLL ground.


  1. I agree that my role as a parent/guardian is critical to the success of the Hong Kong Little League, the team
    and to my son/daughter.
  2. I agree to cheer and support good team play, and I will not be overly concerned with the outcome of the
  3. I agree to let the coaches do the coaching and will refrain from coaching any player except to provide
  4. I will always encourage my kids to play by the rules. Me and my kids will display good sportsmanship by
    respecting opposing fans, coaches, and participants.
  5. I will not challenge any calls from the umpire and will not use any abusive language directed at players,
    managers, coaches, umpires or other spectators.
  6. I will not use tobacco, alcohol and any illegal drugs on the HKLL ground.